Learning to Rank
My last Post was Five Years of Google Ranking Signals, and I start that post by saying that there are other posts about ranking signals that have some issues. But, I don’t want to turn people away from looking at one recent post that did contain a lot of useful information.
Cyrus Shepard recently published a post about Google Sucess Factors on Zyppy.com which I would recommend that you also check out.
Cyrus did a video with Ross Hudgins on Seige Media where he talked about those Ranking signals with Cyrus, called Google Ranking Factors with Cyrus Shepard. I’m keeping this post short on purpose, to make the discussion about ranking the focus of this post, and the star. There is some really good information in the Video and in the post from Cyrus. Cyrus takes a different approach on writing about ranking signals from what I wrote, but it’s worth the time visiting and listening and watching.
And have fun learning to rank.
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